
Certify your product

Zertifizierung: Schreibmotorik Siegel

Our special certification scheme is designed for products which promote and support learning to write by hand, e.g.:

  • Learning and teaching materials, both print as well as digital materials (like apps, educational games)
  • Tools to aid graphomotor skills and writing ergonomics
  • Complete systems for learning to write (furniture)
  • Training and further training


The emphasis is on supporting the learning to write process and preventing cramp, poor posture and excessive strain when writing. The certification is issued by the scientific expert committee of the independent Schreibmotorik Institut, where necessary in cooperation with scientific institutions. The certification concerning didactic, motoric and ergonomic demands allows you a highly qualitative distinction from the competition and the appreciation by educators and parents.

You would like further information about the certification programme and the application form for first Product-Certification or the application form for renewal of the certificate? Please contact one of our team. We will be pleased to provide an offer specially tailored to your needs.


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