

Together with our cooperation partners we are working on new projects and publications.

If you are interested in collaborating with us and exploring new ideas and suggestions, please send us a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Why cooperate with the Schreibmotorik Institut?

We offer

  • Expertise/professional advice on writing and learning to write
  • Publicity
  • Interesting contacts
  • Exchange of information
  • Possibilities for raising awareness / benefiting from one another


Authorities / Ministries

wappen farbig 600x364Regierung von Mittelfranken wappen farbig 600x364Regierung von Niederbayern  logo bozen neu
 Bildungsdirektion Steiermark Logo



Educational institutes

IDEUM Logo logo Knopf kleinUniversität des Saarlandes  logo IAD klein
 IBL Logo  logo lehrinstitut lesen schreiben klein  Kita St. Marien Eckenhaid
 Logo fbs    





 BfB Logo New Blau  Didacta Verband png nha 
 BundesElternRat  Logo DL  logo IHK klein




 PUMA Logo Standard No1 without Registration Black  audi logo  elmo
 Netzwerk Lernen  logo stabilo klein  Logo Rattmann wohnbau
 Lauer Logo  Logo MS Kopie  Logo agehwolf
 logo Neulan klein  science motion neu  logo puls




logo 4teachers  news4teachers neu   agentur bildungsjournalismus


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