
trainerschulung westner teaser28/29 january 2014

First Course for Authorised Trainers for the Schreibmotorik Institut

Together with the Centre for Further Education and Knowledge Management at OTH Regensburg (Eastern Bavarian technical university of applied sciences) the Schreibmotorik Institut instructed four international trainers in a two day training event with a concluding examination.

Lioba Abbenante, Stephanie Deix, Monica King and Henk Schweitzer are the first authorised trainers of the Schreibmotorik Institut. In future, they will give lectures themselves, hold seminars and report about important aspects of graphomotor skills and writing analysis and present practical exercises which support educators in their daily work.

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The team of speakers consisted of: Daniela Westner, director of the Schreibmotorik Institut, Dr. Christian Marquardt, Scientific Advisory Committee for Motor Skills at the institute and Gerd Kranz, fee-only trainer at the Centre for Further Education and Knowledge Management at OTH Regensburg. They presented the “Schreibmotorik System nach Dr. Christian Marquardt und Schreibmotorik Institut” (Writing Motor Skills System according to Dr. Marquardt and the Schreibmotorik Institut) and the WritingCoach®. Karin Krieg, executive director of the Schreibmotorik Institut introduced the pedagogical concept behind the Lettering Pioneer's Box and the Writing Explorer's Box.

Trainerschulung, Daniela WestnerThe participants played an active role in the two-day training event. They each presented one aspect of graphomotor skills in a lecture that took approximately 30 minutes. This lecture was part of the examination. Moreover the participants had received video clips covering the topic prior to the event and had to prepare a didactically edited video sequence for the corresponding target group of approx. 10 minutes length.





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