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Erasmus+: HS Tutorials – Promoting writing skills

European research project with practical modules

Six partners from Germany, Austria and Italy will mutually conduct a research project from September 2018 to promote writing skills in European schools. The aim of the two-year project is to promote legible, efficient, fluid and fatigue-free penmanship for primary school children and to create the requirements for writing motor skills in child daycare centres.

Partners include the following educational institutions: the Schreibmotorik Institut, the Government of Central Franconia [Regierung von Mittelfranken], Ideum (Austria), the German Education Directorate of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano [Deutsche Bildungsdirektion der Autonomen Provinz Bozen] (Italy), the Styrian Educational Board [Landesschulrat Steiermark] (Austria) and the Government of Lower Bavaria [Regierung von Niedrbayern]. The project will be coordinated by the Schreibmotorik Institut. The project is financially supported by the European Commission.*

The HS-Tutorials EU project will contribute to achieving the core objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy by developing concrete didactic approaches and teaching aids for the promotion of children's writing skills in schools as well as in the transition from nursery to primary school. This will be achieved with the help of innovative, field-tested online tutorials and handouts for teachers. The multipliers trained as part of the project will offer further project training for colleagues after the project has come to an end. Findings from research on handwriting – and writing motor skills in particular – will thus be integrated into teacher training and applied in practice. Decision-makers in the education sector will also be made aware of the importance of good handwriting in terms of educational opportunities.


News: ERASMUS+: Launch event for the “HS Tutorials” EU project

Handwritingtutorials: Practical modules for promoting writing skills in schools

Homepage “HS Tutorials”



*This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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