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Registration form for the 1st International Symposium on Handwriting Skills 2015, Schloss Rechtenthal, 9 October 2015

The symposium attendees will be a closed group of persons. Registration is subject to prior invitation. Please register until 24th of July 2015. A separate confirmation of your registration will be sent per e-mail.

Instead of the usual admission fees prior to the congress you are kindly invited to support us with donation. Of course we will provide you a donation receipt in return. During our planning phase for this event we had to learn that as a Germany based non-profit Institute unfortunately we will not be able to collect fees as usual with such conferences to cover at least a part of our costs in another country than Germany. This is due to the European taxation laws. Nevertheless we did not want to give up this unique opportunity offered by Schloss Rechtenthal. Thank you in advance. We appreciate your support.

By registering to the International Symposium on Handwriting Skills 2015, you hereby agree and consent that your personal data provided in the registration form may be collected, used and processed by Schreibmotorik Institut e. V. and Deutsches Bildungsressort Bereich Innovation und Beratung for the purpose of processing the registration to the International Symposium on Handwriting Skills 2015.

Please read the further registration conditions.


*Diese Felder werden mindestens benötigt um Ihre Angaben verarbeiten zu können.
Last name *
First name *
Institution *


Street + Number *
Postal code *
City *
Country *
Telephone *
E-Mail *

Networking Events

Which networking events would you like to participate in? The costs for the get-together and wine tasting are on the organiser.<br/>Visit to the Ötzi Museum approx. €17.00 per person including travel to and from the museum + guided tour, payable on-site.


Would you like to reserve a room at the Fortbildungsakademie Schloss Rechtenthal? * Please note that the Schreibmotorik Institut will only be responsible for your reservation. Payment on-site is to be made by the guest.
Would you like to share your room with another attendee? If so, please tell us the name of the attendee.
Arrival date:
Departure date:
I have read and hereby agree to the registration conditions (see link above the form). * By registering to the International Symposium on Handwriting Skills 2015, you hereby agree and consent that your personal data provided in the registration form may be collected, used and processed by Schreibmotorik Institut e. V. and Deutsches Bildungsressort Bereich Innovation und Beratung for the purpose of processing the registration to the International Symposium on Handwriting Skills 2015.
I wish to receive in the future further materials and information from Schreibmotorik Institut e.V. regarding handwriting and motoric skills, symposiums, trainings and seminars and hereby agree and consent that my personal data provided in the registration form may be collected, used and processed by Schreibmotorik Institut e.V. for such purposes.
Unteres Bild