
Vom Wert der Handschrift: Patrick Schwanhäußer und Dr. Marianela Diaz Meyer im Gespräch mit der österreichschen Zeitung "Die Presse"18 November 2014

“About the value of handwriting”

Executive director Sebatian Schwanhäußer and institute director Dr. Marianela Diaz Meyer in conversation with the Austrian newspaper “Die Presse” about the importance of handwriting and the most reasonable way of learning it.

The outcome were in fact two articles:

Schule: Vom Wert der Handschrift (i.e. School: about the value of handwriting) (Article in German)

Summary: Handwriting is less and less important in every day life. The Schreibmotorik Institut emphasises the value of handwriting: He who writes, learns. Sebastian Schwanhäuser, executive director states: “We think that writing by hand has its own value. It is a technique which helps to assimilate knowledge in a better way.” Institute director Dr. Marianela Diaz Meyer compares handwriting with movement learning in general: “When children move they absorb things more intensively. The same happens when writing by hand.

Schreiben lernen: Schönschreiben ist überbewertet (i.e. Learning to write: one`s best handwriting is overrated) (Article in German)

Summary: First of all it is about practising the movements in a playful way. Then you focus on the letters. That's the base for an efficient script. One's best handwriting is not to be to the fore. Motor skills are more important than the form.

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