
Daniela Westner20 november 2013

The Schreibmotorik Institut at the 8th Bad Rodach School Day

„Efficient Handwriting – it's all about motor skills!“ Technical lecture on the Writing Motor Skills System attracts interest of educators.


Daniela WestnerThe Bad Rodach School Day is organized annually by Wehrfritz GmbH, an outfitter for schools, kindergarten, nurseries and other social services. The advanced training course offers educators the possibility to listen to lectures and gain ideas for their work, as well as getting in contact with lecturers and colleagues to exchange views. Among the topics of this year's lectures were: arithmetic problems, ADHD, aggression, language support, schools full of fantasy and the right path to good schools.

Daniela Westner, director of the Schreibmotorik Institut, presented the “Schreibmotorik System nach Dr. Christina Marquardt und Schreibmotorik Institut” (Writing Motor Skills System according to Dr. Marquardt and the Schreibmotorik Institut) to the pedagogical professionals. It's the objective of the Schreibmotorik Institut to introduce children to a flowing, efficient and legible handwriting without tiring. To achieve this, the institute imparts scientifically based findings and offers practical exercises. Instead of just judging the outcome, it focuses on the whole writing process.

A Variety of Exercises for Preschoolers

Scientists and educators of the Schreibmotorik Institut together have developed a variety of exercises to awake the early interest in writing and handwriting. Children should cultivate good and efficient graphomotor skills right from the start to keep the fun while writing alive.

Apart from the technical lectures, there was also the possibility in Bad Rodach to get to know interesting innovations and products concerning everyday school life, among them the STABILO Lettering Pioneer's Box: a pedagogical tool, which should help preschoolers to prepare playfully for the later successful process of learning to write at school.





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